The makers of Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya-starrer Bangarraju have unveiled the total lyrical video music, Vaasivaadi Tassadiyya, from the movie. Termed the birthday party music of the yr, the music options Jaathi Rathnalu’ popularity Faria Abdulla matching steps with the Akkineni father-son duo.
Chaitanya Akkineni shared the music on his Twitter deal with, pronouncing, “Right here’s the energy-packed Ey Bangarraju … Vaasivaadi tassadiyyaa from #Bangarraaju… revel in!”
Right here’s the tweet:
The lyrics of the music were penned by means of the movie’s director Kalyan Krishna Kurasala, whilst Harshavardhan Chavali, Mohana Bhogaraju, and Shahiti Chaganti have given vocals.
The lyrical video presentations Naga Chaitanya wearing a vibrant outfit in a country glance and Faria Abdulla in a rustic girls’s glitzy apparel. In between, Nagarjuna, in conventional white dhoti, and Ramya Krishna in yellow saree, sign up for them with matching steps.
The Bangarraju group had previous launched Naa Kosam. The music penned by means of Balaji and sung by means of Sid Shriram continues to provoke the target market with its melodious song.